Thursday, February 26, 2009

About GT and QDA

The point of GT is to create a theory; a theory about how a population goes about solving it’s main concern. Conceptual categories emerge from the systemic, rigorous procedures of the GT method, and these concepts are related to each other as a theory. Many advisors feel that creating a theory is beyond the abilities of a grad. student; it is the work of the “great thinkers.” This is not true. Good grounded theories emerge every time if the method is followed completely.

I am not sure what GTs you have read, but many people claim to do GT when all they are really doing is qualitative research. Have you read many of Glaser’s books? You should at a minimum read Theoretical Sensitivity and Doing Grounded Theory. You should also see his readers and The GT Review, for good examples of GTs. You might also consider attending one of our seminars.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I am a PhD student in the process of developing my comprehensive examination questions. I am planning to use Glaser for my thesis. Should my questions be designed to reflect the philosophy of Glaser? Currently, the questions I have created reflect a case study approach states my supervisor. I am trying again but I worried. Do you have any suggestions to help guide me?
Thanks for your time