Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Memo #2

Yesterday while teaching the course KOH3432 Skills in Interpersonal Communication, I asked my students if their mothers ever nag. As expected, all of them agreed that their mothers nag.

So nagging is just a natural occurance in everyday life but does it have any impact on the listener?s Why do people nag? What actually are the concerns of the naggers and the naggee? Are mothers the only people who nag in the family?

I am going to find out and may be LD can help me.


Lonely Dissertator-No-More said...

LD says: "nag nag nag..." ;-)

Sounds good so far. I would go into several nagging situations and watch what takes place to get some beginning answers to your questions.

Observation and Research Page said...

Thanks LD. I wish my wife nags today so that I can obtain more data. He he he.